How To Cultivate Compassion

Hello my dear readers! I hope you are doing well!
I am very happy that weather was really nice this weekend, the nature was very beautiful!
I took a picture of a very cute flower while I was walking :-)
Here is the link to the video for today's article: How To Cultivate Compassion.
Here is the link to my meditation: Compassion Meditation.
It is so nice to be peaceful, but sometimes we steal this peace from ourselves by getting angry at someone or something. Such negative emotion as anger can affect our well-being not in a good way. But there is another very positive force that can defeat any anger, and this force is compassion.
The feeling of compassion is very healing. It helps to calm down, to stop negative thinking. But sometimes it is so hard to be compassionate towards people we don't like. So how to teach yourself this universal compassion which can be directed towards all human being?
Let me start with four types of compassion:
1. Compassion towards people we love. This type is easy to cultivate, it comes up naturally. If you have a child and he has been hurt, of course you will feel compassion. Or if your beloved one is upset, you will try to support him. As it comes to us so easily, it can be a source of other three types of compassion.
2. Self-Compassion. This type is very easy for some people and tough for others. There are a lot of kind people who don't like themselves. Well, you need to learn how to love yourself, because if you always experience concerns about your gratefulness, it would be very hard for you to succeed in anything. Life is already not always super easy, so try your best to make it a little bit better by giving yourself some loving kindness.
3. Compassion Towards People We Don't Like. I think that this is the hardest type of compassion. And it can include people we are mad at, people we are afraid of, just annoying people, etc. Try to send to these people some compassion as well, it is very important. You don't have to tell them, that you are wishing them be well and happy, just tell to yourself, that you have nothing against this annoying person, he has the right to exist and if he is not pleasant, it might be because he has some difficulties in life.
4. Compassion Toward All Beings. In general, it would be nice if we all wish each other to be healthy, safe, joyful, and so on. Wouldn't this world be a better place if all people shared some compassion and kindness with each other?
When you want to cultivate compassion, you can start with some kind thoughts directed to the person you love, then you switch them to yourself, then to your annoying "friend" and you can end up sending love to all beings.
I use my own meditation to do so, but you can just repeat the following words:
May you be well
May you be safe
May you be happy
May you be free
And first you imagine the person you love, then yourself, the person you don't like and all beings.
Compassion is not the same as sympathy. Sympathy is a little bit selfish and not very mindful. Compassion on other hand is a conscious decision, which helps you not to be overwhelmed by your own feelings but at the same time, be kind. And because it is a conscious feeling, it can be trained, it can be cultivated, you can grow it and spread love and positivity! It doesn't mean that you should please other people. It just means that you don't collect in your mind some bad thoughts.
I hope you found this article useful and will try to cultivate compassion within yourself and people around you!
Be Strong And Love Yourself!
From Dasha With Love!
Love Wins!