Cute Meditation Technique

Hello my dear readers!
I hope you are doing well! Today I want to share with you my favorite meditation technique which I invented by myself :-)
Here is the link to the video for today's article: Cute Meditation Technique.
I believe that it is very important the way you start your day and the way you end it. That is why my cute meditation technique is so helpful! And it is very easy. I do it every morning when I just wake up and every evening, when I go to bed.
Now let me describe the technique itself. This is a body scan meditation. The point of it is to pay attention to all parts of your body starting from the top of your head and finishing with your toes. It is extremly useful to train your attention. They say, "where your attention goes - your energy flows". And you don't want your energy to be in the wrong place, right? When we train our attention, we can take control over it and don't let it just wander and waste our precious time. And now I will explain why do I call my meditation technique cute. I call it cute because I don't just scan my body, I also welcome in to the day in the morning by saying good morning and in the evening I say good night to all of my body parts.
So when I wake up even before I opened my eyes I start to think, "Good morning my forehead, good morning my nose, good morning my cheeks" and so on. And I scan my face, my arms, my chest, my back, my legs, my toes. And I am doing it with love! And in the evening I do the same thing but I say good night instead of good morning. And I thank my body for all the work it does for me, I show it my appreciation. So I am not only train my brain, but I also give myself some love, which is very calming. Scan meditation helps me to leave my bed in a good mood in the morning and fall asleep with a smile on my face at night. And I don't need anything external to do this meditation, no devices, no music, nothing, just my own mind and my body.
Please try it and I hope you will feel the positive effect on your mood! This little exercise can in a while change the way your brain works and can hep you to be more mindful and peaceful. Please take care of yourself!
Be Strong And Love Yourself
From Dasha With Love!
Love Wins!