My Best Advice - Focus On Yourself!

Hi Everyone! I am very happy that you stopped by my blog-post about focusing on yourself! I hope a lot of people will get benefit out of this simple idea!
Maybe you noticed that my web-page is all about self-love. And it might look selfish. But it is actually opposite! The best gift you can give to this world is your liberated soul which is free from fears, judgments, likes and dislikes, free from hatred and jealousy. If you can transcend your own mind, you can help so many people! Even your presence, your good energy can change somebody's day, and even life!
I see here and there a lot of videos, books and articles on how to change the world, but most of them are focusing on something external. Here is the simple way of putting it: you have some disturbance inside, usually caused by your ego's fears and you try to manipulate the world so it will match your desires, your preferences. This approach is extremely, I want to emphasize this, EXTREMELY WRONG!!! If you waste your time on anything other than working on yourself, if you are focused on trying to change other people without looking inside of you, if you are hoping that someone or something will make you happy, you will never ever be able to succeed. You will get something that you like sometimes, but than you will be afraid of losing it.
So what should you do to be happy? You need to work on yourself first of all. You need to learn how to be conscious, how not to be a slave of your own mind, your likes and dislikes. You need to train yourself to be okay even if something unpleasant happens in the external environment. If you stay calm in the midst of the disaster - you win! You must make yourself so strong that nothing can bother you. And the only way you can make it is to learn how to transcend yourself, how to be free from yourself. You need to stay conscious and notice your thoughts, notice how your inner voice creates the disturbance when something goes not the way you planned. And you need to remember that if you are in the stressed mode you cannot perform well. If you try to please your ego instead of calmly observe the situation, most likely you won't be able to find a great solution in any situation. How many times you did stupid things because you were not able to control yourself? On other hand I am sure that all of us have some areas that we don't care about. Try to look at them and see how easily you can solve the problems in these areas. Why? Because you don't care and your disturbed ego doesn't mess things up!
If you want to be happy don't look for happiness outside, you will never ever be able to find it there. NEVER!!! No one will ever be able to make you feel loved for the rest of your life if you don't have love inside, no one will help you to overcome your fears if you don't put efforts to fight them by yourself. It is the same as if you ask someone to eat some food for you when you are hungry.
Focus on building your strengths instead of focusing on trying to manipulate the external world!
Here is the link to my YouTube video where I am sharing my ideas about this subject:
I suggest you to set up a lifetime goal for yourself: I am going to invest my time in transcending my fears and desires and in becoming the best version of myself. I am going to free myself from my own mind and my ego so I become strong and can help others!
Be Strong And Love Yourself!
From Dasha with Love!