The Law Of Attraction

Do you believe in the Law of Attraction? And that you get what you think?
I have very analytical and engineering brain and sometimes it is hard for me just to believe in something with no scientific evidence. But the Law of Attraction actually makes total sense to me. And not because of the energy that I create externally by thinking about something (this is still questionable and more like fantasy to me even thou I believe in it). I believe in the Law of Attraction because of how our brain works. Here is my simple girly logic: we all have neurons and there are connections between them. These connections are built based on what we do, what we think, what are our genes and our set of experiences. The great news is that neuroplasticity proves that the brain can be changed and everyone can raise their happiness level. What does it mean? It means that we can build new connections between our neurons and create more optimistic and peaceful way of living. If you are focused on negativity (and unfortunately most of the people remember negative events much better than positive) you become stressed. When you are stressed you cannot think clearly because part of your brain is dedicated to this stress. And I am not saying that stress is not good at all, there are cases when stress can be very healthy and life-saving. But the problem is that in modern life we tend to get wrong signals and see the danger when it doesn't actually exist. And as a result we cannot focus on the solution. On other hand, when you train your brain to be focused on something positive, you become more creative, friendly, kind and even more attractive. Think about it: do you like to be around positive or negative people? When you think mostly about good things you most likely will be more successful. That is why I truly believe in the Law of Attraction.
The only problem I see here is that it is not so easy to start thinking positively all of a sudden. It is actually impossible. It is the same as expect loosing 100 pound in a week or without any efforts. The Law of Attraction works, but only for those who put efforts to create positive brain power, who spend time to build new connections between neurons, who train their cortex.
If you want to achieve the result you MUST work on it! This is the absolute truth. Even when Buddha was asked why doesn't he teach people to pray (and pray is kind of the same thing as the Law of Attraction) he replied, "I don’t teach my people to pray because their prayers will harm them. Right now they are not conscious enough to ask for anything, and whatsoever they ask will be wrong. First, let them become conscious enough. I teach them how to become more conscious and then it is up to them". So before you try to apply the idea of the Law of Attraction, you need to learn how to be mindful.
I will write another post where I am going to share my tricks which helped me to train my brain. It was not something that I created, it was ideas discovered by neuroscience. I hope they will help you too!
Be ready to put efforts in order to be happy!
Be strong and love yourself!
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